The Old Man Movie
Vanamehe film | Oskar Lehemaa, Mikk Mägi | EE 2019 | 88 Min

Drei Geschwister müssen den Sommer bei ihrem Opa auf dem Bauernhof verbringen. Doch als sie sehen, wie lieblos der alte Mann auch noch den letzten Tropfen aus den wunden Eutern seiner einzigen Milchkuh quetscht, befreien sie das Rindvieh. Opa packt die Kinder ein und verfolgt das Tier ebenso wie ein zweiter Alter, der vor vielen Jahren seine Kuh einen ganzen Tag lang nicht gemolken hat, woraufhin ihre Euter-Explosion zur Laktokalypse geführt hat. The Old Man Movie ist die Kinoversion der gleichnamigen Kult-Webserie und der beste weil abgedrehteste Stop-Motion-Animationsfilm seit Jahren.
Oskar Lehemaa, Mikk Mägi
(* 1988 in Estonia) grew up in a dull small town, watching action flicks and making silly short films, which was the perfect escape from reality. Today these passions have become a career, as Oskar infuses his works with a love for genre, from comedy to gory horror. Regardless of the project or genre, there seems to be a common thread—a pinch of humor is always added. Bad Hair (2019), screened at this year’s SLASH, is Oskar’s debut short film as a director. Mikk Mägi director and animator, born 1987 in Tallinn, graduated in Animation from the Estonain Academy of Arts. In 2011 he founded the animation studio BOP!. He is director and writer of the animated short Solstice (2018).
(* 1988 in Estonia) grew up in a dull small town, watching action flicks and making silly short films, which was the perfect escape from reality. Today these passions have become a career, as Oskar infuses his works with a love for genre, from comedy to gory horror. Regardless of the project or genre, there seems to be a common thread—a pinch of humor is always added. Bad Hair (2019), screened at this year’s SLASH, is Oskar’s debut short film as a director. Mikk Mägi director and animator, born 1987 in Tallinn, graduated in Animation from the Estonain Academy of Arts. In 2011 he founded the animation studio BOP!. He is director and writer of the animated short Solstice (2018).
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