Jumbo | Zoé Wittock | FR/BE/LU 2020 | 93 Min

Jeannes Leben dreht sich im Kreis. Die in sich gekehrte junge Frau lebt immer noch bei ihrer lebenslustigen Mutter und jobbt in einem Vergnügungspark als Putzkraft. Als sie dort zum ersten mal die brandneue Hauptattraktion, das hochmoderne Karussell „Jumbo“ entdeckt, ist es um Jeanne geschehen. Das Fahrgeschäft kommuniziert mit seinen Blinklichtern und wenn die Liebste sich an die Hartplastikschalensitze schmiegt, fließt das Schmieröl in Strömen. Jumbo ist eine gefühlvolle Coming-of-Age-Fantasie und beherzter Toleranz-Appell: Danach ist eine Fahrt mit dem Karussell nicht mehr dieselbe wie davor.
Zoé Wittock
Originally hailing from Belgium, Zoé grew up traveling the world. From Africa to Australia, she exposed herself to a variety of cultures and extreme conditions, always hungry for more stories to tell. At seventeen, Zoé flew out to France, where she slowly began to grasp what filmmaking was about as she explored as many different set jobs as she could, while writing and directing her first student short films. In 2008 she was accepted into the directing program of the American Film Institute, during which she was awarded a scholarship for excellence in directing for her short film This is not an Umbrella (2011). Her most recent short film A demi-mot (2014) was broadcast on OCS (France) and Netflix. Her first feature film, Jumbo, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2020
Originally hailing from Belgium, Zoé grew up traveling the world. From Africa to Australia, she exposed herself to a variety of cultures and extreme conditions, always hungry for more stories to tell. At seventeen, Zoé flew out to France, where she slowly began to grasp what filmmaking was about as she explored as many different set jobs as she could, while writing and directing her first student short films. In 2008 she was accepted into the directing program of the American Film Institute, during which she was awarded a scholarship for excellence in directing for her short film This is not an Umbrella (2011). Her most recent short film A demi-mot (2014) was broadcast on OCS (France) and Netflix. Her first feature film, Jumbo, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2020