Relic | Natalie Erika James | AU/US 2020 | 89 Min

Nachdem ihre Mutter ohne Erklärung verschwindet, fährt Kay gemeinsam mit ihrer Tochter Sam zum verwitterten, vor sich hin bröselnden Familienheim. Dort mehren sich Anzeichen für eine Demenzerkrankung der alten Frau, die so plötzlich wie wesensverändert wieder auftaucht. Doch entspringt ihr zunehmend erratisches Verhalten alleinig ihrer Krankheit oder hat sich in dem alten Haus noch etwas anderes eingenistet? Natalie Erika James’ Langfilmdebüt ist ein psychologisch gefinkelter, labyrinthisch verwinkelter Horrorfilm als nachtschattenschwarzes Huis Clos, in dem drei Frauengenerationen gegen das Verschwinden, Vergessen und Vergehen ankämpfen. Eine sehr finstere Angelegenheit.
Natalie Erika James
is a Japanese-Australian writer, director, and producer based in Melbourne, Australia. As a self-described “bookworm,” James spent her childhood living a “transient life” between Japan, China and Australia, shooting school events and her own personal art films with a video camera. Relic is her debut feature. James is currently developing Drum Wave, a Japanese folk horror with development support from Screen Australia and Film Victoria. Drum Wave was one of 14 projects selected for the project market at the International Film Festival & Awards Macao, and won the Best Co-Production prize.
is a Japanese-Australian writer, director, and producer based in Melbourne, Australia. As a self-described “bookworm,” James spent her childhood living a “transient life” between Japan, China and Australia, shooting school events and her own personal art films with a video camera. Relic is her debut feature. James is currently developing Drum Wave, a Japanese folk horror with development support from Screen Australia and Film Victoria. Drum Wave was one of 14 projects selected for the project market at the International Film Festival & Awards Macao, and won the Best Co-Production prize.