Butt Boy
Butt Boy | Tyler Cornack | US 2019 | 99 Min

Bei ihm san olle im Oasch daham: Chip ist plumper Familienvater, dessen Leben an ihm vorbeirinnt, bis ihm der Urologe den Finger in den Popsch steckt. So groß ist sein daraus entstehendes Glücksgefühl, dass er sich zu Hause erst kleine, dann immer größere Gegenstände rektal einführt. Irgendwann ist dann das Familienhündchen nicht mehr auffindbar und ein Hard-Boiled-Cop sucht nach spurlos verschwundenen Kindern. Butt Boy ist entgegen Prämisse und Titel ein ziemlich straighter Pulp Movie, nur eben mit deutlicher Analfixiertheit. Einer der wunderlichsten, wundervollsten Filme des Jahres.
Tyler Cornack
is a writer, director, and comedian, starring in his latest film (director & cowriter) Butt Boy. He is known for his directing work for Tiny Cinema (2016)—a series of comedic nightmarish vignettes—and The Pocketeers (2016). Butt Boy was produced by Bill Morean and Ryan Koch, who also cowrote. Cornack, Morean, and Koch were founders of the popular Tiny Cinema online channel, where the concept for this absurdist mystery feature was first conceived.
is a writer, director, and comedian, starring in his latest film (director & cowriter) Butt Boy. He is known for his directing work for Tiny Cinema (2016)—a series of comedic nightmarish vignettes—and The Pocketeers (2016). Butt Boy was produced by Bill Morean and Ryan Koch, who also cowrote. Cornack, Morean, and Koch were founders of the popular Tiny Cinema online channel, where the concept for this absurdist mystery feature was first conceived.