Butt Boy

Butt Boy | Tyler Cornack | US 2019 | 99 Min | DCP

One big happy life? My ass! Chip is a run-of-the-mill pater familias whose life just passes him by, until one day a urologist jams a finger up his butt. The pleasure Chip gets from that incident is so enormous that he immediately starts inserting objects rectally himself, first small ones, then bigger ones. At some point, the cute family pooch goes missing and a case-hardened cop is looking for children who have vanished without a trace. Contrary to its premise, Butt Boy is fairly straightforward pulp fare, albeit with a pretty distinct anal fixation. One of the strangest, most marvelous movies of the year.

Tyler Cornack
is a writer, director, and comedian, starring in his latest film (director & cowriter) Butt Boy. He is known for his directing work for Tiny Cinema (2016)—a series of comedic nightmarish vignettes—and The Pocketeers (2016). Butt Boy was produced by Bill Morean and Ryan Koch, who also cowrote. Cornack, Morean, and Koch were founders of the popular Tiny Cinema online channel, where the concept for this absurdist mystery feature was first conceived.
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Language eOV
Cast Tyler Cornack, Angela Jones, Tyler Dryden, Tyler Rice
Writer Tyler Cornack, Ryan Koch
Editing Austin Lewis
Cinematography William Morean

