Slaxx | Elza Kephart | CA 2020 | 78 Min
Matinée der 1000 Messer
Matinée der 1000 Messer

Ein hipper Fashion Store geht über Nacht in den Lockdown, um das neue It-Piece der Saison vor der Öffentlichkeit bis zum Verkaufsstart am nächsten Morgen geheim zu halten. Doch die Jeans, die sich der jeweiligen Körperform individuell anpassen können, erwachen zum Leben und beginnen, die eingesperrten Mitarbeiter*innen zu meucheln. Elza Kepharts Slaxx ist glorioser Rückgriff auf die konsumkritischen B-Filme aus der Hochphase der Reaganomics wie Larry Cohens The Stuff. Spätestens wenn mehrere Paar Jeanshosen zur Bollywood-Mucke durch den Verkaufsraum tanzen, wird diese satirische Splatter-Granate zu einem der besten Midnight Movies des Jahres.
Elza Kephart
writes and directs horror and fantasy films and has been working in the film industry for more than twenty years. She holds a BFA from Emerson College (Boston) and the Canadian Film Center’s Director’s Lab. At 24, she wrote and directed her first feature, Graveyard Alive – A Zombie Nurse in Love. It played in more than twenty international film festivals including Fantasia, Fantasporto, and Sitges, winning the Kodak Cinematography Award at the Slamdance Film Festival. Her second feature film, Go in the Wilderness, premiered at the Festival du Nouveau Cinema, played in various international film festivals, and is being distributed on various platforms, including iTunes. Kephart has attended the TIFF Talent Lab, the Berlinale Talent Campus, and the Telluride Student Symposium. She is one of the cofounders of the Montreal chapter of Film Fatales and one of the cofounders and coordinators of Extinction Rebellion Québec.
writes and directs horror and fantasy films and has been working in the film industry for more than twenty years. She holds a BFA from Emerson College (Boston) and the Canadian Film Center’s Director’s Lab. At 24, she wrote and directed her first feature, Graveyard Alive – A Zombie Nurse in Love. It played in more than twenty international film festivals including Fantasia, Fantasporto, and Sitges, winning the Kodak Cinematography Award at the Slamdance Film Festival. Her second feature film, Go in the Wilderness, premiered at the Festival du Nouveau Cinema, played in various international film festivals, and is being distributed on various platforms, including iTunes. Kephart has attended the TIFF Talent Lab, the Berlinale Talent Campus, and the Telluride Student Symposium. She is one of the cofounders of the Montreal chapter of Film Fatales and one of the cofounders and coordinators of Extinction Rebellion Québec.