Spree | Eugene Kotlyarenko | US 2020 | 93 Min

Der Influencerismus mit seinen schnellen Likes und steilen Spikes in der sozialmedialen Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie liefert den Hintergrund für diese gallige Gesellschaftssatire, in der ein junger psychopathischer Rideshare-Fahrer seine unterirdische Follower-Anzahl via Mordserie in die Höhe zu treiben versucht. Stranger Things-Star Joe Keery gibt diesem Kurt aka „KurtsWorld96“ so manische wie verzweifelte Gestalt, für immer gefangen in einer Abwärtsspirale aus Feedback-Loops, Hashtags und Refollow-Bemühungen, während Spree, zu einem Gutteil gefilmt auf GoPro- und Handykameras, die Social-Media-Sphäre gnadenlos und brachial dekonstruiert. Ein Film du jour.
Eugene Kotlyarenko
(* 1986 in Odessa, USSR) is a writer/director based in Los Angeles. His debut film 0s & 1s (2011) was hailed as “the ultimate has-to-be-seen-more-than-once movie,” by The New York Times. His anti-rom-com, A Wonderful Cloud (2015), was called a “21st-century Annie Hall” by Variety. He has directed viral music videos and adventurous web series, most recently Feast of Burden, released by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
(* 1986 in Odessa, USSR) is a writer/director based in Los Angeles. His debut film 0s & 1s (2011) was hailed as “the ultimate has-to-be-seen-more-than-once movie,” by The New York Times. His anti-rom-com, A Wonderful Cloud (2015), was called a “21st-century Annie Hall” by Variety. He has directed viral music videos and adventurous web series, most recently Feast of Burden, released by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.