The Reckoning
The Reckoning | Neil Marshall | UK 2020 | 111 Min

Nordengland, Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts: Nachdem sich ihr pestkranker Ehemann erhängt, wird seine Witwe Grace zur Zielscheibe eines Großgrundbesitzers. Die junge Frau setzt sich gegen dessen Übergriffe zur Wehr, woraufhin dieser Gerüchte streut, sie stünde mit dem Teufel im Bunde. Und das ruft den gefürchteten Hexenjäger Moorcraft auf den Plan. Der britische Genrekapazunder Neil Marshall inszeniert mit The Reckoning ein saftiges Stück Witchsploitation, das mit donnernder Dramaturgie, grellen Figuren und einer ultimativ kathartischen Rache-Geschichte schönste Erinnerungen an die Hochzeit des Subgenres in den 70er-Jahren auslöst.
Neil Marshall
(*1970) is an English film and television director, producer, editor and screenwriter. He shot his first films as a teenager on Super 8 and finished his studies at the film school in Newcastle, England. Today he is best known for directing the low-budget cult werewolf film Dog Soldiers (2002), the award-winning horror film The Descent (2005), which was his international breakthrough, the science fiction action film Doomsday (2008), the historical war film Centurion (2010), and the superhero action film Hellboy (2019). Marshall has also directed numerous television series, including two episodes of Game of Thrones: Blackwater and The Watchers on the Wall.
(*1970) is an English film and television director, producer, editor and screenwriter. He shot his first films as a teenager on Super 8 and finished his studies at the film school in Newcastle, England. Today he is best known for directing the low-budget cult werewolf film Dog Soldiers (2002), the award-winning horror film The Descent (2005), which was his international breakthrough, the science fiction action film Doomsday (2008), the historical war film Centurion (2010), and the superhero action film Hellboy (2019). Marshall has also directed numerous television series, including two episodes of Game of Thrones: Blackwater and The Watchers on the Wall.