YHYes | Jack Henry Robbins | US 2019 | 72 Min

Das warme Bildrauschen von Magnetvideobändern ist die Schmiere, auf der dieser auf VHS und Betacam gedrehte Rücksturz ins ästhetische Herz der 80er-Jahre direkt ins Zuschauer*innenhirn rutscht. 1987 bekommt ein Junge einen Camcorder geschenkt und überspielt sogleich das Hochzeitsvideo der Eltern mit Fernsehsendungen und eigenen Aufnahmen. VHYes ist Retro-Zapping mit unheimlichen Unterströmungen, ein Cross-Media-Projekt direkt aus der Twilight Zone mit Gastauftritten von Susan Sarandon und Tim Robbins, den Eltern des 1989 geborenen Regisseurs.
Jack Henry Robbins
(* 1989) is a filmmaker and human being from New York City who is currently in traffic in Los Angeles. Jack Henry’s short films, Painting with Joan and Hot Winter: A Film by Dick Pierre, premiered in back-to-back years at Sundance, 2017 and 2018. His web series Ultimate Ultimate, a show about amateur DJs, was developed into a TV show by Comedy Central and currently lives on Funny or Die. His documentary These Storied Streets about America’s homeless population has won awards at multiple festivals, and he is proud about what the film has done to raise awareness for an issue dear to his heart. Jack Henry is 6 foot 4 and still can’t dunk a basketball.
(* 1989) is a filmmaker and human being from New York City who is currently in traffic in Los Angeles. Jack Henry’s short films, Painting with Joan and Hot Winter: A Film by Dick Pierre, premiered in back-to-back years at Sundance, 2017 and 2018. His web series Ultimate Ultimate, a show about amateur DJs, was developed into a TV show by Comedy Central and currently lives on Funny or Die. His documentary These Storied Streets about America’s homeless population has won awards at multiple festivals, and he is proud about what the film has done to raise awareness for an issue dear to his heart. Jack Henry is 6 foot 4 and still can’t dunk a basketball.