12 Hour Shift

12 Hour Shift | Brea Grant | US 2020 | 86 Min | DCP

Arkansas, 1999: Health care workers are over- worked and underpaid. That’s something nurse Mandy could write volumes about, especially now that she’s facing another twelve-hour shift. Two things brighten up the grouchy cynic’s dreary days: having free access to drugs in the hospital and selling the organs of its deceased to the mafia. When her idiot cousin goes and misplaces a kidney—prompting the gangsters to waltz in with guns blazing—and a serial killer is transferred to her ward to top things off, Mandy’s world implodes. 12 Hour Shift sets off a firework of dirty jokes, while a formidable ensemble cast around Angela Bettis—including a fantastic David Arquette—shifts things into high gear.

Brea Grant
has written comic books, short films, features, and is director of multiple short films and a series for Instagram. Initially she started her film career as an actress, starring in series such as Dexter and Heroes. Her feature debut as director and cowriter was the apocalyptic road movie Best Friends Forever (2012), which was shot on 16 mm film. She is director of the award-winning comical short Feminist Campfire Stories (2017).
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Language eOV
Cast Angela Bettis, David Arquette, Chloe Farnworth, Mick Foley, Dusty Warren
Writer Brea Grant
Editing Amy McGrath, Hannah Beavers
Cinematography Matt Glass

